Government Purchasing Solutions

Purchasing Solutions for Federal, State and Local Government

To simplify your sourcing and purchasing process, we offer access to several procurement channels for federal, state and local government agencies.

Taylor-Dunn electric utility vehicles are available for discounted purchase through cooperative purchasing contracts, and federal and state government contracts. Several of our contracts also include options to purchase other vehicles manufactured by Waev including GEM electric vehicles and Tiger tow tractors.

Cooperative Contracts

Sourcewell is a government entity that helps government, education and nonprofit entities purchase products in an easier way with more affordable rates. When utilizing Sourcewell, you have access to contracts that are ready-to-use with vetted vendors, compliant government regulations and completed solicitation processes. 

Contract # 091024-WVE

Expiration: 11/13/2028

Contact to learn more.

State Contracts

California State University

Contract #C-CALST-00003648

Expiration: 11/14/2027

Contact to learn more.

State of Kansas

Contract #0000000000000000000055633

Expiration: 1/29/2025

Contact to learn more.

TX BuyBoard

Coming December 1, 2024

Contact to learn more.

DES State of Washington

Available through Raymond West, an authorized Taylor-Dunn dealer.

Contract #05916

Expiration: 2/05/2025

Contact to learn more.

Federal Contracts

Taylor-Dunn vehicles are available for purchase through the U.S. General Services Administration and GSA Advantage.

Contact to learn more.

Taylor-Dunn vehicles are available for purchase through the the heavy equipment procurement program (HEPP).

Contact to learn more.

Sourcewell is a government entity that helps government, education and nonprofit entities purchase products in an easier way with more affordable rates. When utilizing Sourcewell, you have access to contracts that are ready-to-use with vetted vendors, compliant government regulations and completed solicitation processes. 

Contract # 091024-WVE

Expiration: 11/13/2028

Contact to learn more.

Dedicated Support for Government Agencies

Federal, state and local government agencies have relied on Taylor-Dunn vehicles to meet their mobility needs for more than 75 years. Our dedicated government sales team is experienced in helping procurement leaders and operators obtain the right vehicle for the job.

With access to our extensive network of authorized Taylor-Dunn dealers, you can expect superior post-sales support throughout the lifetime of your Taylor-Dunn fleet.

To get started, contact us at

GEM Low-Speed Electric Vehicles

GEM, another brand by Waev Inc., provides zero-emission, street-legal low-speed transportation. With seating for two, four or six passengers, federally regulated safety features and multiple work packages, GEM low-speed vehicles (LSVs) are engineered to complete the mission. 

Engineered for versatility. See how Taylor-Dunn utility vehicles can enhance your operation.